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The Hysteria Project
All images correspond to stories found on

Hysteria Project Installation Shot

Installation shot from solo exhibition, Hoyt Gallery

Installation shot from solo exhibition at Kaos Collage Festival, Kranj, Slovenia, 2022

Laresa (she/her, 38, White, in US), with stage 3c cervical cancer and endometriosis

Kate (she/her, born in Moscow, Soviet Union, grew up in Israel, in Germany) with deep infiltrating endometriosis and fibroids

Jessica (she/her, 40, White, in US), undiagnosed menorrhagia

Leanna (she/her, 43, White, in Australia), endometriosis and adenomyosis

Justine ((they/them, 25, White Jewish in US), amenorrhea

Iva (she/her, 35, West African, Black, lives in UK)

Jenn (she/her, 44, White, in US), ovarian cyst, uterine polyps

Corinne (she/her, White, in US), ovarian cyst

flower (she/they, 37, White, in US), with unexplained infertility

Denitsa (she/her, White Bulgarian in Germany)

Casey (she/her, 39, White British, in Guernsey, Channel Islands) with endometriosis and Asherman's syndrome

Bronwyn (she/her, 46, white, lives in US) with undiagnosed dysmennorrhea and a cervical polyp

Anna Marie (she/her, 27, white, in US) with endosalpingiosis

Annelie (she/her, 59, White in Sweden) with torqued ovarian cyst

Alexia (she/her, 53, White in US) with deep infiltrating endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and post-ablation syndrome
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